Saturday, July 30, 2016

Best Muscle Building Foods That Help For Your Strong Muscles & Ripped Abs

It is very important to build your muscle strong. It is possible only if you are taking healthy foods and necessary nutrients. The below listed are some of the best muscle building foods that will help you.


Protein is the most important muscle building food, because most of the muscles are packed with water and proteins. So it is very important to have food contains lot of protein supplements such as cottage cheese, lean beef, fish particularly salmon and tuna, eggs (only white), lean chicken or turkey.

It is a must to consume lot of protein rich foods to get the entire benefits of amino acids, which are the major supplements to build the muscle. Proteins are fully packed with amino acids and most of the muscles are packed with proteins. It is better to change your diet plan frequently, so that you can get a chance to consume different basis of proteins and amino acids, because there are more than 20 different types of amino acids. Each type of protein will help you to gain your muscles in a different way.


You have to drink at least one-liter water every day to make your muscles stronger. The content of water and protein in muscle are 75% and 25% respectively. So it is very important to drink plenty of water to your muscle. Drinking water not only helps you to make the muscle lean but also helps to maintain the digestive system properly.


You should be very careful on the foods, which you are having regularly. The foods must contain all the necessary nutrients like vitamins, minerals, calcium and carbohydrates. Sometimes you may go down from the level of regular vitamins and minerals because of the diet plan and workouts. So to compensate the level of vitamins and minerals you have to take multi vitamins in your regular diet. You can get the sufficient vitamins and minerals through perfect diet, protein shakes and meal replacements.

Carbohydrates and Healthy Fats

You are not able to gain weight without the help of carbohydrates and fats. It is fact that nearly 65% of the food, which you are having regularly, is packed with carbohydrates and fats and the rest is by proteins. To reduce the risk of breakdown and losing muscle it is important to have ample carbohydrates and fats. You are not able to gain muscle without sufficient healthy fats in your regular diet such as Omega 3 and monounsaturated fats. These are the major factors to manufacture the important muscle-building hormone called testosterone. You must eat plenty of carbohydrates to make your workouts longer and to lift heavy weights during workouts to make the muscle bigger and stronger.


Glutamine is an amino acid. You know that amino acids are very important to the muscle. Glutamine creates more than 60% of the amino acids that can be useful to build your muscle stronger and bigger. To get the necessary Glutamine it is better to have high protein foods along with Meal Replacements and Protein shakes. It is advised to take 10-20 grams of L-Glutamine powder daily to improve your body.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Benefits of Breakfast Smoothies for Weight Loss

One great way of starting off your day is to have one of the various breakfast smoothies for weight loss. Smoothies are easy to prepare, are very healthy and taste great. They are a good alternative to having fast food for breakfast simply because you are running out of time. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day since it induces metabolism so that your body starts to burn at for the day. You should therefore make it a point not to miss breakfast, and smoothies can help you achieve that and avoid fast food at the same time.

Healthy Eating

Smoothies provide a good alternative for some meals and can also be used as snacks for various reasons. They take very little time to prepare as long as you have all the ingredients within reach. They are usually thick thus making you feel full for a longer time. This will reduce the frequency of your eating. You are not likely to get bored with the smoothies because you can always change the fruits and flavors you throw in the mixture everyday. A diet that includes smoothies is a good one for prevention of diabetes, obesity and hypertension.

Smoothies are also a very good way of making sure you take your daily serving of fruit as recommended. You can just blend in all the fruits for the day and you will have yourself a very healthy breakfast that also caters for your daily fruit needs.

This is much better that taking multi-vitamin pills which, most often than not, do not work. Smoothies are also much healthier than processed foods which usually have up to 80% of vitamins and minerals missing. Smoothies are a delicious way of getting all the minerals and vitamins you need in your diet.

The breakfast smoothie for weight loss is a very good way of fighting hunger so that you don't eat too frequently. The slow burning carbohydrates ensure that you remain full until lunch time so you avoid packing more calories by snacking in between. The conventional breakfast has quick burning carbohydrates that will make you start feeling hungry way before lunch time. A good smoothie combines the right fats, proteins and natural fibers into a healthy and delicious drink that helps in weight loss. With the smoothie, you get the nutrients you need while avoiding the calories you don't want.

Most diets nowadays incorporate breakfast smoothies for weight loss into their plans. Smoothies can also be used in place of other meals, not just breakfast. There are many smoothies available for free on the internet that you check out and try. With these you will get a wide range of tastes and flavors to pick from. If you want o enjoy your smoothie, try adding the fruits you like and be changing your ingredients frequently so that you do not get bored with one flavor. The benefits of breakfast smoothies for weight loss are many so you should take up the drink today.

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fat Burning Foods to Eat to Shrink Belly Fat Fast

Need to now the kinds of foods to eat to shrink belly fat?

Fat Burning Foods

Below are 7 fat burning tips to get you on the right track to healthy eating and losing the weight for good-

Foods to Eat to Shrink Belly Fat 

1. The first thing you must realize is, you must enjoy your food - If healthy eating (and exercise) is your rule, the occasional Cake is not a problem. Let me clarify that, if you make fitness your normal habit, the occasional favorite treat or desert, such as a mud cake, wedding cake or even a party cake, will not ruin your body. As long as you always come back to the original rule, and not change the rule as you go along.

2. Eat complex carbohydrates - whole grains, vegetables, beans or lentils - rather than refined carbs such as white bread or processed cereals, as they release glucose gradually. When you see a brown bread wrapper with the words multi-grain, wheat, or some other healthy description you probably automatically think, "healthy." Yes and no. You'll score higher in the healthy column by purchasing bread that is whole grain.

3. Get essential fatty acids - Flax-seed and fish oils should also have a place in your nutrition plan. At least one serving of each per day will insure that you are getting these very important nutrients that assist in keeping cholesterol and hormone levels normal and in maintaining numerous other body functions.

4. Balanced meals - have vegetable soups or salads for lunch with small amounts of protein. Add a piece of fruit before or after a meal. Eat meat, poultry or fish with a mixed salad, instead of potatoes (one of the few acid forming vegetables), rice or pasta. If planning rice or pasta - for the wholemeal kinds - and add veggies to the dish. Drink your eight to ten glasses of water a day with a squeeze of lemon. Drink herbal teas instead of coffee, black teas and sodas. Finally, eat fruit snacks between meals.

5. This is true - eat plenty of fruits and veggies will keep you satisfied longer. High fiber foods help you fill up so you stay fuller longer. You are less likely to be on the prowl an hour after eating. The reason is, fiber takes a long time to move through your body system - and it slows digestion. This may trigger satiety, the feeling of fullness that makes you put down your fork. So get your fiber fix daily!

6. Eating low fat foods - making the choice to buy and eat low fat foods is good, but on one condition - you cannot eat more than you normally would. This is often the tendency, since the food is 'low fat'. Even fat free foods can pack on the pounds. Not all weight is gained merely from fat. If you eat too many total calories in a day, you will still gain weight, no matter where those calories come from!

7. Lastly, I have to add this in, but the best combination to shrink belly fat is to eat more wholesome foods - and workout. It's simply the best way to shape up fast and tone your body. Wholesome foods just offer more nutrition your body needs. And since you are making the effort to try new foods to eat to shrink belly fat, why not take that extra step and workout regularly to lose more body fat - and live a healthier lifestyle. The effort you put in now will be rewarding.

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

What Is HIIT Cardio Training?

The latest craze in cardio training is without a shadow of a doubt HIIT. You may have heard the term before but you may not know what it means. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and as good as the name sounds, the technique of training is even better.

HIIT Cardio Training

HIIT is considered to be the ultimate form of cardio training for those who are really serious about improving their physical fitness. It takes less time to perform and burns more calories than the more traditional forms of cardio. When I say traditional cardio I mean those exercises everyone dreads like jogging or cycling at a steady pace for an hour. It's repetitive, boring and it's just not as effective as HIIT.

Here's an example of a HIIT workout routine that will result in you burning more calories and improving your stamina much more effectively that traditional cardio training. The example we use will focus on jogging, for the sake of clarity.

You might begin with five minutes of steady paced jogging first, just to warm up your muscles and prevent injury. After this five minute period of warm up you then up your pace so that you're sprinting for thirty seconds. Once you've sprinted for thirty seconds you then slow back down to the steady pace for two minutes. After you've been jogging for two minutes you start sprinting again for 30 seconds. You keep repeating this process for as long as you can manage and then finish walking so that you cool down correctly. This sort of cardio training really gets the heart pumping and after completing it just once you'll be able to feel the benefits HIIT provides.

Because HIIT training works so well and improves your stamina so quickly, you will find that you need to up the intensity sooner rather than later. Using the example above you could reduce the time between sprint sessions from two minutes to ninety seconds. You can keep reducing this over time so that your sprinting time and your jogging time are dead even. This is a technique that many long distance runners use to build stamina quickly as well as to develop a strong sprint finish.

The only thing you need to be careful of with HIIT is that it can be easy to overtrain your body. Overtraining is when the intensity of your exercise exceeds your body's ability to recover. To combat this you should start your HIIT workout routine slowly. Start with fifteen minute blocks and see how your body feels after a couple of sessions before you up the length of time you use HIIT. Also be sure to get enough sleep to allow your body to fully recover.

Now you know what HIIT cardio training is, and how to do it, try it today and get the most from your workouts.

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